Our pairs
The project has 10 pairs of which 7 have already reproduced. All these couples come from zoological parks (see “our partners”) which participate with us in this reintroduction project. We have made sure that each pair is genetically as close as possible to the source population and that there is no relationship between them. The studies that have been carried out have concluded that from these couples the risk of loss of genetic diversity is almost nonexistent.
Why so many pairs to produce an average of 10 young per year ?
It must be considered that not all pairs reproduce every year and that they do not have 2 or 3 young every year. Then the duration of the program, nearly 10 years, suggests that all the birds will not be able to reach the end of it, mortality, end of reproductive capacity, disease, bad understanding in the couple, it is thus advisable to take precautions to ensure in time the production of young necessary. These numerous couples will also ensure a maximum genetic diversity.

The eagle house
The will of our project is to allow the public to appropriate this program of reintroduction by making it accessible to all.
For this purpose, we have created the eagle house, a space where symposiums, exhibitions, meetings, and scientific work will be held. The public will be able to see the birds thanks to a system of camera in the nests and to have explanations thanks to our animators.
This house is located inside the eagle park, a few dozen meters from the reintroduction site. Its purpose is to offer a place of knowledge and research around the return of the fish eagles to the Geneva basin.
The webcams
During the whole project, the birds will be observed by a system of cameras in the aviaries. These are accessible from any computer by purchasing a subscription to the program. They will also give the possibility to follow the birds from the eagle house for the public but also for the scientists studies which are led throughout the project.